Guest Directory
Are you a broadcaster looking to connect with extraordinary guests? Discover a world of expertise waiting to be featured on your show! Our exclusive platform bridges the gap between broadcasters and top-tier experts, offering direct access to their knowledge and insight. Updated weekly with new and exciting experts eager to share their wisdom with your audience. Click on the image to be redirected to the expert's profile and contact page, where you will discover more about their expertise and easily reach out to invite them to your show.
Alain Dumonceaux
Mentors, Teaches, & Guidies For Men To Live Thier Highest Vision
Paul Sheppard
Liberating People From Their Minds To Discover Their Own Truths
Karen Lynn Robinson
Licensed Therapist w. 25 Years of Clinical Experience.
Moshe Gersht
Bridging The Worlds of The Torah Tradition Mystical Wisdom & The Human Mind,
Thomas Mock, Grey Hawk
Psychotherapist, Healer, Teacher, & Leader.
Saju Vaswani
Founder of Infinite Love; Nonprofit Center for Meditation & Self-evelopment.
Michael H. Brown
Spiritual Warfare, Prophecy, UFOs, Cryptids NDE's, Power Spots
Vinaya Siff
Transform Your Life in 4 Weeks! 50+ Yrs of Exploration
Laura Schwalm
Psychic Medium & Certified Holistic Health Coach, Master Healer
Laurie Shaw-Greyeyes
Advocate for Indigenous Healing, Unity, & Empowerment.
James Arthur Ray
The Secret to Attracting the Life You Want; & Co-author & Contributor to THE SECRET
Glenn Marsden
Coaching 4K+ Entrepreneurs! Founder of The Global Imperfectly Perfect Campaign
Omar Ferreira
Personal Development Expert & Spiritual Growth
Christine Gold
Psychic Medium, Empath Empowerment Coach, Old Soul Healer, Reiki Master/Teacher
Tobi Ojekunle
Host of the Mirror Talk: Soulful Conversations Podcast
Christie Edwards
Certified Herbalist, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healing Practitioner
New Orleans Psychic Medium Cari Roy
Paranormal Phenomena, Astrology, NDEs, Past Life
Simon Mundie
Author, Speaker, Broadcaster, Spiritual Wellbeing Coach
Vibecke Garnaas
Channeler, New Earth Strategist, & Host of the Spiritual Quest Podcast
Didi Verg
Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Nero-Linguistic Programming
Tigrilla Gardenia®, B.M. M.S.
Nature-Inspired Mentor, Certified Life Coach (ICF PCC), World Ambassador for Plant Advocacy
Coach Sarah Joy
Holistic Health Practitioner, Hybrid Master Coach, and Psychic Medium
Leigh "LYTE" Krampe
Mental Health & Link To Spirituality
Shamala Tan
Therapeutic Coach, Intuitive Therapist, & Spiritual Guide
Maria Florio
Inner Growth Mindset, Mindfulness & Mindsight Practices
Julia Weigert
Code Carrier of The Sophia Consciousness & Women Ceremonialist and Priestess
Tanja Powell
Mystical Contemplation, Belief Transformation, & Internal Change
Dr. Vic Manzo
Quantum Mindset Coach, Certified Pediatric Chiropractor, 3x Author
Valery Molone
Host the "Inner Power Insights" Podcast
Meeka Six (The Moroccan Angel)
Interpretations of Ancient Hebrew Scriptures & Christian Text
Gayle Maree Herring
Galactic Soul Reader, Past Life Therapist, and Spiritual Counselor
Susan Gold
Awakening From Toxic Systems: Finding Your Freedom and Sovereignty
Jeremy Van Wert MFT MBA
Life Coach, Licensed Therapist, & Founder of Mindful Mutiny
Jason Rigby
Higher Self, False Religion, From Homeless to Entreprenuer
Mark Van Buren
Buddhist Author, Meditation nstructor, Mindful Living Trainer
Liam Browne, Cacao King
Cacao, Yoga, Spirituality, Abundance
Tina K. Clarke
Holistic Wellness, Energy & Shamanic Healing
Gordy Camp
Entrepreneurship, Overcoming Addiction, Personal Growth
Evan Gill
Spirituality, Eastern Philosophy, Psychology, Inner Healing, Meditation
Elaine Starling
TEDx Presenter, Host of The Abundance Journey Podcast
Yash Jegathesan
Founder of Yash Heritage & Yash Foundation, Spiritual Healing & Meditation Practice
Ravi Kumar (Fakira)
True Master, Spiritual Guide, Motivator, Peot, & Life Coach.
Michelle Sinclair
Divine Healer and Hypnotherapist
Julie Reisler
Founder of Intuitive Life Designer® Coach Academy & Intuition School™
Aly Dunne
Transformational Coach, Intuitive Channel, and Professional Astrologer
Dalia Lane
Fairytales for Peace
Joshua Cutchin
UFOs, Fairies, Cryptids, Consciousness, General Forteana
Rev. Master Marie Georgina
Master Spiritual Teacher, Healer, & Psychic Medium
Diane Michelle Stakoe
Energy healing & Intuitive Guidance
Pamela Nance
Master of Arts in Anthropology and Mesoamerican Archaeology
Timi Orosz
How to Start & Scale a Spiritual Business
Steven Noack
Spiritual Awakening & Quantum Healing
Angela Burton and Ange
Embrace Your Shadow & Sacred Goddess
Faith Streng
Reiki Master, Cosmic Channel, and Spiritual Life Coach
Tamra Oviatt
Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Gridworker, Galactic Channel
Brandon Ward
Host of Order Within Podcast
Maria Teresa Pratico-Swanson
Master Shamanic Healer
Nate Zeleznick
1 of Only 2 American Master Trainers: Ancient Royal Indonesian Energy & Martial Arts System
Jolene Schneeweiss
Consciousness, Oneness, Connection to Source
Dalia+Jason Milne
Modern Yoga vs Ancient Yoga
Adam Gell
shamanic Mentor & Certified Akashic Record Reader
Jefferson Morley, Jeff
JFK Assassination, CIA, GRU, MI6, Mossad
Bridget Alison Finklaire
Teacher for Academy For Future Science: The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch, by Dr JJ Hurtak
Deja Wallace
The Mind Over Matter Podcast
Kerie Logan
Specializing in Ascension Process
Daniel J. Duke - aka Dan
Authority on Jesse James & Knights Templar Treasures
Sharon E Martin, MD PhD
Maximize Your Healing Power -- Shamanic Healing Techniques to Overcome Your Health Challenges
Marshall Masters, Marshall
Pole Shift, Earth Changes, Space Threats, Survival Strategies
Amanda Rieger Green
Intuition/Psychic Abilities, Human Potential, Numerology/Astrology, Human Evolution
Glenn Ambrose
Spiritual Teacher, Author of Down To Earth
Jason Dale
Vibration State Podcast, Astrology, Metaphysical & Paranormal Experiences
Celebrity Psychic Medium, Karyn Reece
Leading Figure In World of Psychic Mediums
Peter Panagore, MDiv.
Two NDE's, Kundalini Awakening, UFO Experiences, Mysticism,
Bonnie Serratore
Entity Attachments, Past Lives, Dark Force Interferences
Malcolm Nair
Mirror Work, Past Life Regression, Guided Intelligence Release
Robert Waggoner
Gateway To Inner Self, Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple
Brian J. Cano
Firsthand Encounters, Expert Analysis, Profound Insights
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
author of WHOLE BRAIN LIVING: The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life
Robert Ramsay
Theory & Practice of Magic; Cosmological Matters Arising Thereof
Zorina Dimitrova
Energy-Information/Consciousness Influence
Zahara Celestial
Chanelling, Expanded Christ Consciousness, NDE,
Virginia Kelly Ms. L. Ac.
Integral Practitioner, Vibrational Medicine, Wellness, Spirituality
Melissa Acob, aka Coach Mel
Spiritual Life Coach, Business Coach, Energy Psychologist.
Jessica Lang
Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal
Rhonda Dohms
Stress Management, Mindset, & Health Legacy
Dr. Brandy Stark
27-Year Ghost Hunter
Scott Stanley Smith
Author of God Reconsidered: Searching for Truth in the Battle Between Atheism and Religio
Steve Burgess
Regression Therapy, Famous Past Lives, Ancestral Trauma
William (Bill) Halal, PhD
Previously, Major in Air Force, Aerospace Engineer on the Apollo Program, Manager in Silicon Valley
Aage Nost
Spiritual & Metaphysical Teacher, Quantum Mechanics, Astral Travel, Time Travel
Bob Frissell
Founder of The Breath Alchemy Technique, Dimensional Realities, Holographic Universe
Peter Sterling
Angels & Higher Worlds, Sedona Vortexes , 432hz, DNA Activation
Eesha Patel
Liaises w. 20+ Galactic Races, Humanoid & Non-Humanoid
Jeffrey Daugherty
Former Christian Minister; Exposing Flaws of Judeochristianity
Alejandra G. Brady
Best Selling Author: I Just Can't Make this Sh!t Up
Cate Montana
Quantum Physics, Consciousness, Interdimensional Influence
Chris Kehler
Meta-Physical Healer, Dowser, Energy Pioneer
Daniel Drasin
Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker
Kimberly Meredith
Celebrity Medical Intuitive Medium, Cover Model, Best Selling Author
Ken Pfeifer
Former State Director for Mufon, AREA 51, & Mars Discoveries
Mada Dalian
Founder of the Dalian Method for Health & Consciousness
Rev. Daniel Metraux
Intuitive Holistic Spiritual Healer, Psychic Energy “Chiropractor”
Patrick McCormick and Kartron
The 'Galactic Weather Report' Current Events From an Interdimensional Perspective
Tracie Mahan
Channel, Timeline Jumping, QHHT Level 3 Practitioner, Connections with Present Incarnation
Lori Ann Spagna
DNA Activations, Transmissions & Animal Communication
Dinah Leffert
Jewish Civil Rights Advoca te & Teacher for Neurodivergent Kids
Melany Oliver
Holistic Therapist, Spiritual Guide, & Trauma Healing Coach
Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, PhD,
Founder of Seven Sisters Mystery School
Lola Jones
Debunk Spiritual Myths, Last Reincarnation, Multi-Dimensional Aspects
Scarlet Ravin
Plant Medicine, Healing w/ Horses, & Star Filled Alchemical Formulas
Tracee Dunblazier
Empath, Shaman, & 56x National Award-Winning Author!
Cassandra Mary Bauer
Key-Note Speaker, Expertise in Trauma-Informed Therapy, Author
Rev. Michael J Carter
UFO Contactee, Author of Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials In The Holy Bible
Jennifer Lee Peck
Spiritual Crimes Against Humanity, Occult, Politics, Historical, & More
Dan Harary
Chairman/Founder of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance
Nate Zeleznick
Ancient Royal Indonesian Energy and Martial Arts Master Trainer
Dr. Joan Hangarter
40 Years of Holistic Wisdom & Grounded Solutions
Bernadette Wulf
New Earth Reality, Money Magic, Timeline Jumping,
Mariel Forde Clarke
Journey of the Soul, Life after Physical Death, Loss, & Healing
Zara Starchild
Spiritual Guide, Ascension Guidance, and Intuitive Healing
Toni Ghazi
Channels the Praying-Mantis Beings & Antares Stargate
Lori Ann Spagna
Multi-Dimensional Channel, Contactee, & Best Selling Author
Mary Kathleen McDaniel
Distressing Near-Death Experiencer & Sacred Mission
Maria Wheatley
Ancient Civilisations Earth Energies, Ley Lines, & Sacred Sites
Amy Robeson
Akashic Record Master Teacher/Healer
John Farris
Pioneering New Ways To Incorporate High Vibrational Energies
Mark Adams
Preserving the Constitution for the United States
Heather Leigh Strom
Quantum Healing Expert & Author of K9 Spirit Guides
Jason Dale (Vibration State)
OBE's, Synchronicities, Encounters with Shadow Entities.
Kari Light
Ascension Health Coach
Dr Isabel Aimee Mariam Berkeley
All Aspects of Healing
Rajashree Maa (Joni Dittrich, Ph.D.)
Master Teacher/Founder of Kali-Ki Reiki®
Holly Jo Bouchard & Rob Bouchard
Founders of Enlightenment & Healing Institute
Sissel Andersen
Empowering Next-Level Success for Female Entrepreneurs
Misti Gaither
Psychic Medium and Paranormal Investigator
Naima Spencer
Certified Mindset Facilitator and Strategic Intervention Life Coach
Dr. John Poothullil, MD, FRCP
Board Certified in Pediatrics and Allergy and Immunology
Salini Apodaca
Reikimaster, Sacred Alchemist, Spiritual Teacher, Divine Mother.
Emma Lynn Dowd (Emmy)
Entrepreneur | Entertainer | Media Personality | Speaker | Life Coach
Lois Hermann
Energy Clearing, Author, & Alignment Programs
Sherry Anshara
Creator of the Anshara AHA! Method(R)
Christina Williams
Acclaimed Weight Loss & Life Transformation Coach
Oliwia Ezayana
Indigo Child & Founder of PlasmaRegenesis Masterclass
Michelle P. Maidenberg, Ph.D., MPH, LCSW-R, CGP
Co-Founder and Clinical Director of Thru My Eyes