New Earth News
This Is Not Just News! It’s a wake-up call to create abundance, claim your prosperity, and thrive in the emerging 5D Economy!
Brandon Ward
Host of Order Within Podcast
Christina Anjali Sergi
Christina merges Oriental Spiritual practices (yoga, meditation) with Western Mystical Teachings (Yeshua’s hidden life).
Dinah Leffert
Jewish Civil Rights Advoca te & Teacher for Neurodivergent Kids
Glenn Marsden
Coaching 4K+ Entrepreneurs! Founder of The Global Imperfectly Perfect Campaign
Ian Farrar
Expert in assisting people to create a residual income by making an impact, and following your passion.
James Arthur Ray
The Secret to Attracting the Life You Want; & Co-author & Contributor to THE SECRET
Laurie Shaw-Greyeyes
Advocate for Indigenous Healing, Unity, & Empowerment.
Mark Adams
Preserving the Constitution for the United States
Timi Orosz
How to Start & Scale a Spiritual Business
Sophia Barna M.Ed., M.S.W., R.S.W
Sophia is a mental health psychotherapist, author and inspirational speaker