Hidden Agendas and Higher Truths
Exposing the Lies, Revealing the Truth! Pull back the curtain on the shadowy forces controlling our world. Our broadcasters fearlessly uncover the suppressed knowledge, secret societies, government cover-ups, and deep-state manipulations shaping global events.
Cate Montana
Quantum Physics, Consciousness, Interdimensional Influence
Dan Harary
Chairman/Founder of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance
Daniel Drasin
Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker
Daniel J. Duke
Authority on Jesse James & Knights Templar Treasures
Jefferson Morley
JFK Assassination, CIA, GRU, MI6, Mossad
Ken Pfeifer
Former State Director for Mufon, AREA 51, & Mars Discoveries
Maria Wheatley
Ancient Civilisations Earth Energies, Ley Lines, & Sacred Sites
Marshall Masters, Marshall
Pole Shift, Earth Changes, Space Threats, Survival Strategies
Meeka Six (The Moroccan Angel)
Interpretations of Ancient Hebrew Scriptures & Christian Text
Rev. Michael J Carter
UFO Contactee, Author of Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials In The Holy Bible