Gnostic TV Network, Ancient Wisdom Reimagined

Ancient Wisdom Reimagined

GnosticTV offers an online resource of exclusive consciousness-expanding videos you won't find in the mainstream media. The nature of the universe, fantastical, controversial, alternative healing, supernatural, unexplained, flat-out unimaginable, and more!

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Original Shows

Unfiltered. Uncensored. Unparalleled. Dive deep into the hidden truths, mystical insights, and paradigm-shifting revelations that challenge the status quo.

Conscious Events 

Expand Your Awareness. Immerse yourself in higher-consciousness experiences that awaken your soul, activate humanity’s divine potential, and elevate your frequency into the 5D reality.

Ultimate Freedom. Ultimate Awakening.

Unlock unlimited access to life-changing programs for spiritual growth and conscious expansion.

Step Into Your Awakening


Evolving Your Life and The New World

Explore curated playlists for your conscious evolution. Together, we are unlocking the universal key to global harmony and co-creating a unified world.